S01 EP07 - Erin Bagwell, Stay-at-Home Mom and Filmmaker of Year One, on Identity Shifts, Postpartum Depression & to Be an Artist and a Mom


Faces of Postpartum—The Podcast is a show about the postpartum period and its unique variations, hosted by Ariane Audet.

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Erin Bagwell, Stay-at-Home Mom and Filmmaker

In 2018, Erin became a mother and started filming her new documentary, Year One. The film is an intimate look at the first year of motherhood through Erin's eyes. It addresses the identity shifts, the challenges of experiencing postpartum depression, and the everyday extraordinary moments of being a new mom.

In this episode, Erin and I share our thoughts on honest representations of the postpartum period, what it means to be a creator and a mother, owning the SAHM (stay-at-home mom) title, and how to dream big and celebrate our journey, whatever it might be.

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